Donations make a difference

are needed to enable 10 hatchlings a start to their lives.
are the monthly costs to supply one ranger with food and water in the Derawan archipelago, Indonesia.
enable us to clean approx 250 metres of beaches, resulting in the retrieval of 500 kg of plastic waste.

Other donation options

Turtle Foundation Germany (€): GLS Bank
IBAN: DE48-4306-0967-1085-9361-00 | BIC: GENODEM1GLS

Turtle Foundation Switzerland (CHF): Postfinance
IBAN: CH13-0900-0000-4042-9368-1 | BIC: POFICHBEXXX

Turtle Foundation Liechtenstein (CHF): VP Bank
IBAN: LI69-0880-5503-9396-4000-1 | BIC: VPBVLI2X

Turtle Foundation UK (£): Metro Bank
Sort Code: 23-05-80 | Community account number:  37914398
IBAN: GB66 MYMB 2305 8037 9143 98 | BIC: MYMBGB2L

Twint (Switzerland)Bank (Switzerland)Bank (Liechtenstein)
Twint QC Code

If you wish to donate via direct debit (SEPA), please contact our colleague Katja (see below for contact details) so that she can send you the appropriate form.


Looking for help?

Whether you want to pay in another way than mentioned above or you’re not sure about anything else – our Donation Coordinator Katja is happy to assist you with any queries!